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Sunday, February 6, 2011

UN Women and International Women's Day

1st January 2011 saw the official launch of UN Women UN Women is a new entity merging and building upon the work done by four previously separate parts of the UN system that focused on gender equity and women’s empowerment.

The latest news from the Australian Committee for UN Women explains that the entity will officially work on two fronts:
1.     It will support international political negotiations to formulate agreed standards for gender equality.
2.     It will provide support to UN Member States to implement those standards through technical expertise and financial support.

The Australian National Committee for UN Women will be launched on the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day (March 8th 2011) by the Governor General, in Canberra.  The Australian group will work to engage the support of the Australian Government in gender and development issues, raise awareness of the need to achieve gender equality in the Australian Community and raise funds for UN Women projects across the world.
At a local level, the UN Women WA Chapter is chaired by Anne Banks-McCallister. Anne, the Shire of Peppermint Grove Chief Exectuive, is well known to the Bickley Blog and was a speaker at the Maureen Bickley Centre Women’s Leadership Forum “Personal Reflections on Leadership Journeys”.  Anne and her volunteer team focus on projects in Australia, Asia and the South Pacific and will play a leading role in the upcoming International Women’s Day Centenary celebrations. Last year's breakfast was a sell out - stay tuned for details!

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