Although the Maureen Bickley Centre for Women in Leadership is affiliated with the Curtin University, the ideas presented here are not necessarily representative of the policies and opinions of the University. If you have any queries about the Maureen Bickley Centre and what we do, please go to our website.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

TEDWomen - Why we have too few women leaders...


Check out this TEDWomen talk from Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook – she shares her thoughts on why we have too few women leaders.

Her advice for women:

1. Sit at the table.
2. Make your partner a real partner.
3. Don't leave before you leave - keep your foot on the gas pedal.

Thought provoking, yes? Interesting that the focus is on what women can do to stay in the game and not on recommendations to organisations for change...

NB: If you are not familiar with the amazing on-line resource TED, please pay a visit to

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