Although the Maureen Bickley Centre for Women in Leadership is affiliated with the Curtin University, the ideas presented here are not necessarily representative of the policies and opinions of the University. If you have any queries about the Maureen Bickley Centre and what we do, please go to our website.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

In the News - Women and Leadership

Top stories in the news this week...

Women in Defence

From the DCA - Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Elizabeth Broderick, released the AHRC's report of the Review into the TReatment of Women in the Australian Defence Force. Amongst the 21 recommendations were those related to diversity of leadership and the responsibility of Defence leadership to deliver and ensure effective reform. Find the full report here

Women on Boards

Women on Boards announced this week that they will be launching in the UK. Successful established in Australia, WoB will be holding launch events in London, Bristol, Manchester, Birmingham and Edinburgh in September and October of this year. If you are in the UK and would like to get involved, find more information here.

Women in Leadership

The Sydney Morning Herald reports on the visit of the UN Women Director - Michelle Bachelet - to Canberra, Australia this week.  Ms Bachelet commended and thanked the Australian government's leadership and commitment to improving the lives of women throughout the world.  The government has donated A$6.7 to UN Women for work with victims of domestic violence and revenge attacks in developing countries. For more, go here.

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