Although the Maureen Bickley Centre for Women in Leadership is affiliated with the Curtin University, the ideas presented here are not necessarily representative of the policies and opinions of the University. If you have any queries about the Maureen Bickley Centre and what we do, please go to our website.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

National “Go Home on Time” Day - 24th November 2010


Did you know that:

  • Australians work more than 2 billion hours of unpaid overtime each year, worth $72 billion!

  • 1 in 4 Australians need to visit a doctor or health professional but are “too busy”.

  • 1 in 2 Australians don’t spend as much time with family as they would like to because of work.

November 24th is “Go Home on Time” Day. The Australia Institute is raising awareness of the extent that Australians overwork. The resulting epidemic of “time poverty” - of constantly not having time - has negative consequences on our health, relationships and wellbeing.

November 24th is a chance to make a change. Claim back that work-life balance! For your free “leave” pass visit

On the Horizon – IEEE Women in Science and Engineering Conference

Perth will host the IEEE Women in Science and Engineering Conference from 23-25 March 2011. Featuring keynote speakers including Professor Margaret Sheil – CEO Australian Research Council, Sue Murphy – CEO Water Corporation and Hon. Kate Doust MLC – Shadow Minister for Energy, Science and Innovation, the conference aims to recognise women’s outstanding achievements in non-traditional fields and advocate for women in leadership roles and provide career advancement for women.

For more information visit:

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