Although the Maureen Bickley Centre for Women in Leadership is affiliated with the Curtin University, the ideas presented here are not necessarily representative of the policies and opinions of the University. If you have any queries about the Maureen Bickley Centre and what we do, please go to our website.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Local Women Leading the Way - The Clare Burton Lecture 2010 and the 40under40 Awards

The 2010 Clare Burton Lecture

The Bickley Blog is delighted to announce that the 2010 Clare Burton Memorial Lecture is being delivered by Dr Linley Lord, Senior Lecturer at the CGSB, Director of the Maureen Bickley Centre for Women in Leadership and Bickley Blogger. Linley, who will be delivering the address, Moving beyond token women: The need for radical reform in corporate Australia, joins the ranks of Australia's most prominent women chosen to be part of this prestigious lecture series. Congratulations Linley!

Moving beyond token women: The need for radical reform in corporate Australia
Over past decades much has been said about the lack of women in senior decision making roles, without any notable change. Is structural reform now required to bring about real change in the composition of Australia’s executive ranks? The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) recently reported that the number of women directors of Australia’s top listed companies has now reached 10%. While this statistic indicates an upward trend, does it really mark significant improvement in women’s representation in senior decision making roles in Australian organisations? Much of the local focus to date has been on ‘fixing’ women so that they can fit into existing structures. Will the initiatives addressing the lack of women on company boards recently launched by the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and the Business Council of Australia address some of the systemic problems leading to women’s underrepresentation?

The 2010 Clare Burton Memorial Lecture tackles these questions by examining overseas experience and the seemingly glacial rate of change in Australia. The lecture will explore ways that Australia could move beyond tokenism and towards achieving the diversity of thinking, experience and expertise needed in Australia’s organisations.

The lecture will be presented around Australia during October and November. For details of dates and venues, and to register please follow the link.

40 Under 40 Awards

Nominations for the 2011 40 under 40 awards are now open. The annual awards, run by WA Business News, aim to showcase the outstanding talent within WA.

Last year’s awards saw a number of talented WA women from a range of industries recognised including the overall winner “First Amoung Equals” awards – Suzanne Daubney, Managing Director, Banister Downs Dairy Company.

Women amoungst the 2010 award winners included:
Ceyda Genc, Managing Director, Turkish Bakeries
Diana Rigg, Director, PLD Organisation
Emma Williamson, Director, CODA
Fiona Crowe, Head of College, St Catherines College, University of Western Australia
Kellie Hill, Managing Director, KHC
Lisa Clarke, Manager, Mclaren Hire Vehicle Rentals
Melanie Cave, Partner, Freehills
Narelle Keogh, Owner, Katandra Furniture & Design
Paige McNeil, Company Secretary & Administation, Frontier Resources
Rebecca Thompson, Principal Occupational Therapist, Maximum Independence Occupational Therapy
Sarah Kinsey, Director/Owner, Ray White Uxcel
Tracey Westerman, Managing Director, Indigenous Psychological Services
Yvette Manalos, Senior Production Technologist, Woodside Energy Ltd

Follow the link and nominate a tall poppy for a 2011 award now!

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