Although the Maureen Bickley Centre for Women in Leadership is affiliated with the Curtin University, the ideas presented here are not necessarily representative of the policies and opinions of the University. If you have any queries about the Maureen Bickley Centre and what we do, please go to our website.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Power of Motivation and Engagement

The Motivational Power of Progress and Meaningful Work

One of the vital tasks of those in leadership or executive positions is to ensure that the people in their organisation are engaged. Engagement impacts employee wellbeing and the organisation's bottom line through it's influence on creativity, productivity and commitment.

In their book "The Progress Principle" and in recent Harvard Business Review articles, authors Terese Armabile and Steven Kramer reveal that the single most important influence in the level of engagement in people's jobs is making progress in meaningful work. Drawing on a multi-year research project, they argue that managers at all levels are routinely and mostly unwittingly undermining the meaningfulness of work for people in their organisations.

The authors outline a number of "traps" that senior managers fall into, that if avoided can "boost the odds of tapping into the motivational power of progress".

Trap 1 - Mediocrity Signals
Your company aspires to greatness as expressed in it's mission statement; your words and actions and tendency to be risk-averse signal that you are more comfortable being ordinary. Not very inspiring!

Trap 2 - Strategic Attention Deficit Disorder
You start and abandon strategic and tactical initiatives frequently. There is not enough time to discover whether initiatives are working and there is insufficient communication to team members when making shifts.

Trap 3 - Corporate "Keystone Kops"
You think that the everyday workings of your company or group are running smoothly, but you are unaware of the mayhem and chaos that actually exists.  Conflicts between company functions due to a lack of coordination and support makes it difficult for people to maintain a sense of purpose.

Trap 4 - Misbeggoten BHAGs
BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) express the goals of an organisation that connect with people's values and this helps infuse work with meaning. But if these goals are too extreme, or grandiose, or vague and confusing they create little meaning for people in the company.  This destroys a sense of purpose.

Can you recognise any of these traps in your organisation? Have you fallen into any of them yourself?  What can you do to avoid them and create meaning and purpose that motivates your people towards greatness?

Extreme Motivation

Following the theme of motivation - something fun from the TEDx Talk series.  This one features Diana Nyad, a long distance swimmer in the 1970's. At 60 years of age, she attempted her longest swim ever - from Cuba to Florida. She speaks about how to prepare mentally to achieve an extreme dream, and asks: What will YOU do with your wild, precious life?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

On the Horizon...

International Women's Day 2012 - Perth Events

Empower Women, Empower a Nation
International Women's Day Breakfast presented by UN Women

Friday 9th March 2012
Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre
7:00 am - 9:00 am (seating from 6:45am)

The guest speaker for this event is Sally Sara - ABC Afghanistan Correspondent. Sally is an award winning journalist and foreign correspondent with the ABC. She has reported from more than 30 countries including Iraq, Lebanon and Sierra Leone.  Sally has spent the last year covering the news from the frontline of the war in Afghanistan. During her career, she has broken the glass ceiling, as the first female correspondent appointment to the ABC's Africa, South Asia and Kabul bureaus. Sally has written for The New York Times and The Boston Globe and is the author of the best selling biography "gogo mama".

For further details and to book your tickets on line at

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia Women in Resources Awards

Thursday 8th March 2012
Level 7, 12 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA
7:00 am - 9:00 am

The Women in Resources Awards will be presented over breakfast on International Women's Day. The awards recognise individuals and organisations working to build a world-class industry which provides attractive career opportunities and enhances the recognition and participation of women in the sector.

The keynote address will be given by Ms Nicole Hollows, former Chief Executive of Macarthur Coal Limited. She will share her stories of success, proving that women can and should occupy senior positions within the industry and make valuable contributions to their companies, sector and the community as a whole.

For further details and to register your attendance, please visit the CME website. Registrations close 1st March 2012.

Worldly Women
Hosted by EveryWoman Business Events

Thursday 8th March 2012
Grand Ballroom, Hyatt Regency Perth, 99 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA
11:30am (for 12 noon) - 1:30pm for adult attendees
10:45am - 2:15pm for student attendees for a FREE career expo and networking opportunities

Be inspired by dynamic twenty-one year old social entrepreneur and 2010 and 2011 Finalist for Young Western Australian Citizen of the Year, Holly Ransom; Interventional Cardiologist at Sit Charles Gardener Hospital, Director of the National Heart Foundation WA Branch and founding member of the Go Red for Women campaign, Dr Michelle Ammerer; Rio Tinot's Health and Safety Manager of International Development and Expansion Projects, Monique Swanson; and Commissioner for Equal Opportunity and a former Minister in the WA Government for five years, Yvonne Henderson.

Presented by Rio Tinto and proudly supported by major partner The University of Western Australia, World Women ticket bookings are open.  Complete the registration form via the EWBE website  or call Hannah on (08) 9476 9428.  For further details, please visit the EWBE website