Although the Maureen Bickley Centre for Women in Leadership is affiliated with the Curtin University, the ideas presented here are not necessarily representative of the policies and opinions of the University. If you have any queries about the Maureen Bickley Centre and what we do, please go to our website.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

On the Horizon...

Women in Diplomacy
In February, Young UN Women Australia - Perth are holding Women in Diplomacy. If you have ever wanted to work overseas, at the UN, or in international affairs this is the event for you!

The speakers are:
  • United States Consul General Ms Aleisha Woodward
  • Malaysian Consul General Ms Hamidah Ashari
  • Ms Emma Kerslake, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Former Australian diplomat Dr Sue Boyd
Event details:
  • WHEN: Thursday 2 February 2012
  • TIME: 6 for 6:30pm start - 8:30pm
  • WHERE: Freehills, Level 36, QV1 Building, 250 St Georges Tce, Perth
  • PRICE: tickets $20 for UN Women financial members, $25 for non-members via
Women on Boards 2012 Next Generation of Corporate Leaders Program

Applications for the Women on Boards 2012 Next Generation of Corporate Leaders program are one until Friday 27 January. This high level learning and development program has been designed to provide women with the skills to:
  • Achieve an executive or "C Suite" role
  • Gain a seat at the board table
  • Be successful and have an impact once they are there
For more information on the program: click here

Women as Global Leaders Conference

In March, the Women as Global Leaders Conference returns to Zayed University, Abu Dhabi (13-15 March 2012). The theme for the 2012 conference is Women as Global Leaders: Creating a Sustainable Future for the World. Some amazing keynote speakers, including Sigourney Weaver (actress and environmentalist), Hala Gorani (CNN Anchor and Correpondent) and Manal Omar (United States Institute of Peace).

For information of the conference program and registration, please visit the conference website

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Bickley Blog is back for 2012

We hope that the new year has started well for everybody. It's been a busy one here at The Bickley Blog with a family wedding for one proud Bickley Blogger, a new trimester starting at the Graduate School, and an overseas move imminent for another of the team. Only three weeks into the new year, it's certainly shaping up to be an exciting and eventful one!

New for 2012 - The Bickley Blog is now on facebook and twitter. You can now keep in touch with us through your social media accounts and it will be easy to share our posts with your friends and followers. Find the Facebook and twitter buttons at the top right of the blog.

We are also starting two new blog post series this year. The first series - Spotlight On... will feature the amazing women in our communities - women leaders, emerging and aspiring leaders and also researchers from around the world that are passionate about understanding gender, leadership and the world of work. Our second new series - Out on the Town... will be a monthly wrap up of the events or conferences that we have attended. Think of us as the Joan and Melissa Rivers of the women in leadership space.

As always, we will continue to bring you details of upcoming events and happenings through On the Horizon... as well as reviews and links to the latest women in leadership research, news and releases. We are always happy to hear from our readers so should you have an event or some news to share with us, please drop us an email: