Although the Maureen Bickley Centre for Women in Leadership is affiliated with the Curtin University, the ideas presented here are not necessarily representative of the policies and opinions of the University. If you have any queries about the Maureen Bickley Centre and what we do, please go to our website.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Upcoming Conferences - EGOS 2012

The 2012 European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) 28th Colloquium is being held in Helsinki, Finland from July 5-7, 2012.

The call for short papers opens on December 1, 2011 and closes on January 16, 2012. A number of sub-themes might be of interest to Bickley Blog readers involved in the academy:


There are 57 sub-themse available. For further details and registration information please visit the EGOS 2012 website

Not for Profit, Charitable and Community Sectors - Women on Boards survey

Women on Boards are currently conducting a survey on the gendered nature of senior management and boards in the Not for Profit, Charitable and Community sectors.

If you are on the board, or employed in these sectors, please assist by completing this 8 minute survey:

On the Horizon...

Upcoming events for Women in Leadership:

6 December 2011 Women in Leadership - Sharing Stories of Sucess presented by IPAA WA
Join the WA branch of the IPAA for an annual Women in Leadership seminar, aimed at supporting and showcasing women in leadership roles.  Be inspired by Tonya McCusker: Government House, Melissa Parke MP: Federal Member for Fremantle, Susan Hunt PSM: CEO, Perth Zoo and Elizabeth Mackney: Litigation Partner, Freehills

For further details and registration information visit the IPAA WA website

6 December 2011 Diverse Leadership for the 21st Century presented by CEDA
The 21st century will bring new and unprecedented challenges for businesses and communities in Australia and our region. The new realities will usher in the need for more women to take leadership roles.

CEDA is delighted to welcome The Hon Julie Bishop, Deputy Opposition Leader to share her views and reflections on diverse leadership both in Australia and abroad. For further details please visit the CEDA website 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Inaugural Mary Reibey Grant - $50,000 for a Woman Leader of a Social Enterprise

A fantastic opportunity for a woman leader in the social enterprise / Not For Profit sector - The Mary Reibey Grant of $50,000, offered by the Westpac Foundation, will be awarded to a woman founder or to a woman CEO of a not for profit founded by a woman, on International Women's Day on 8 March 2012.

For eligibility criteria and application details please visit: Ruby Connection: 2012 Mary Reibey Grant
Note that Letters of Interest are due by 1st December 2011!

Miss Representation - Women in the Media

This YouTube trailer has been doing the rounds of social media lately. If you haven't watched it, please, please take 8 minutes out of your day and do so.  Wow. So powerful.

"You can't be what you can't see" - Marie Wilson, Founder - the White House Project

For more about the film and the Miss Representation movement - go to