At a recent Australian Women’s Leadership Symposium held in Sydney,
Air Force was recognised with a Certificate of Acknowledgement for it’s “outstanding contribution to supporting the development of Australia’s female leaders”.
Air Force is investing in building an organisation that values diversity and flexibility, with an awareness of the challenges presented by the nature of it’s operation - including 24 hour flying jobs, a high tempo operational environment and a lack of nearby family support resulting from interstate postings. Driving the identification of these challenges and development of practical strategies and solutions is the Air Force’s Directorate of Workforce Diversity and Flexibility (DWDF). A recent initiative aimed at advancing women to the upper ranks is the introduction of a networking, mentoring and education program for Air Force women. This program is part of the Air Force’s commitment to build personnel capability and retain it’s best and brightest.
What is happening in your workplace?
The Bickley Blog would love to hear about diversity and inclusivity developments in your organisation. Pass on your news to us - email here (Thanks to Wing Commander Dee Gibbon from Air Force DFDW for passing on this news. Wing Commander Gibbon is a dear friend of the Bickley Blog and is currently completing her doctorate through the Australian Defence Force Academy / University of NSW exploring the attraction and retention of female pilots).
Source: Air Force e-news July 7, 2011